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Cyber Resilience Survey 2023

Welcome to Red Sift's 2023 Cybersecurity Resilience Survey for Executives. Resilience is a critical characteristic for organizations to possess in order to thrive in today's dynamic environment. As an executive, you play a crucial role in mitigating cybersecurity risks and ensuring your organization's resilience. 

This survey aims to gather insights on how executives perceive cybersecurity risks, what measures they have in place to protect their organizations, and their preparedness to respond to cyber incidents. Your participation in this survey will elucidate the current state of cybersecurity resilience among organizations and will help to identify best practices and paths for improvement.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this effort.

Dr. Sean Costigan, Director of Cyber Policy, Red Sift
Dr. Rois Ni Thuama, Head of Cyber Governance, Red Sift